Latin Lions by David Nadin

Inspired by Latin American drums Latin Lions was written for the drumline of Marchingband Exempel (NL) to participate in a drumline contest. Exempel is a Marchingband from the Dutch province “Noord-Brabant” and their coat of arms contains 3 lions, therefore members of Exempel are called lions. Latin Lions is a composition with rudimental snaredrums, bassdrum, cymbals and a various of small percussion instruments. With the up-tempo beat, technical challenge and musical dynamics it makes it a different cadence to play. Enjoy!

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Inspired by Latin American drums Latin Lions was written for the drumline of Marchingband Exempel (NL) to participate in a drumline contest. Exempel is a Marchingband from the Dutch province “Noord-Brabant” and their coat of arms contains 3 lions, therefore members of Exempel are called lions. Latin Lions is a composition with rudimental snaredrums, bassdrum, cymbals and a various of small percussion instruments. With the up-tempo beat, technical challenge and musical dynamics it makes it a different cadence to play. Enjoy!

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Snare Drums, Bass drum, Clash Cymbals, Shaker, Beatring, Cowbell