Twos by Two by John Beck

This piece is like a conversation between two people. The question is played by player 1 and answered.... Read More

£14.50 ex. TAX *
£14.50 inc. TAX

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Weight 0.150000 kg



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SKU: K19747 Category:

This piece is like a conversation between two people. The question is played by player 1 and answered by player 2. Since each player has different drums, like humans, their voices are different – thus a conversation is heard. Sometimes they even speak in unison. Player 1: 4 tom-toms and snare drum; Player 2: bongos, timbales and snare drum

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4 Graduated Tom-Toms/Snare Drum/Snare Drum Sticks & Brushes; Bongos/Timabales/Snare Dru/Snare Drum Sticks/Hard Felt Mallets & Brushes