Here For Now by Patrick Fitzgibbon

Here for Now combines elements of samba and jazz along with terrain familiar to steel band composition; virtuosic passages in the lead pans, melodic variations in the lower voices, and plenty of syncopated unison ensemble moments.... Read More


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Here for Now was written in 2015 as part of my album of music written for full steel band called The Travelers. This came after my second trip to Trinidad (the birthplace of pan) in which I performed with several steel bands and was immersed in this musical culture. This piece combines elements of samba and jazz along with terrain familiar to steel band composition; virtuosic passages in the lead pans, melodic variations in the lower voices, and plenty of syncopated unison ensemble moments. – P.F.

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Double Tenors (may be played on Double Seconds)
Double Seconds 1
Double Seconds 2
Double Guitars (may be played on Triple Guitars or Cello)
Triple Guitars (may be played on Cello)
Drum Set