Echoes Of Kohala by Brandon Dittgen

Echoes of Kohala aims to recreate the rich tones of Hawaiian Pahu drums using common instruments found in most music programs.... Read More


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Kohala is the oldest of five volcanoes that make up the island of Hawaii. Kohala is estimated to be over one million years old. Echoes of Kohala is written as an impression of Pahu drums, as found in traditional Polynesian dance music. Pahu drums have tall, narrow shells, commonly carved from a coconut tree trunk. The head is made from dried shark skin. This work for 5 percussionists aims to recreate the rich tones of the Hawaiian Pahu drums using common (Western) instruments found in most music programs.

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Player 1: High Tom, High Wood Block
Player 2: Medium-High Tom, Medium-High Wood Block
Player 3: Medium-Low Tom, Medium-Low Wood Block
Player 4: Low Tom
Player 5: Kick/Marching Bass Drum [laid flat]